Succulents are hands down one of the easiest and hardiest house plants that you can have. They come in many different colors and styles which is why I use them for my planters.
They need minimal care to thrive, and are perfect for people who do not have a green thumb.
Basic Care
When you receive a planter from us you will also get a succulent plant. When you get it all you need to do is put the plant in potting soil. Any type of soil works for these plants but the kind that I use and always recommend for succulents is Miracle-Gro Cactus Soil. You can find it at most Home Depots, Lowes and sometimes even at your local plant nursery. Once you have your dirt you will need to fill your planter full of the soil. Once you have the dirt in your planter all you need to do is place your plant right in. Next your succulent will need a drink of water.
Succulents are in the cacti family and are a desert plant so they require only a minimum amount of water a week. For my planters I recommend literally only a few drops of water once a week. Because the body of the planter keeps the soil enclosed for the most part, it keeps the humidity in the planter and therefor keeps the soil moist longer than an open air planter. The number one killer of succulents is over watering because if the roots stay damp for too long it will rot them and kill your succulent.

The last thing you need to know about caring for your succulents is that they prefer indirect sunlight over direct sunlight. So keeping them a few inches away from direct sunlight can help them thrive. They also do very well with bright artificial light such as fluorescent lighting. So people who want them in your office but are worried that you do not have a desk near a window need not worry about having succulents in their space.