Dinosaur and Animal Planters
We have several products at Plantcycled but the thing that started it all and the one product that we are known for are the Dinosaur Planters. Created back in 2012, we have been recycling our planters from children’s toys, cleaning them up and turning them into durable, eco-friendly planters that can withstand most things that could damage a ceramic planter.
With many planters in stock at a time on our site I also offer custom planters to be made. If you would like a custom planter made for you just fill out the form below and I will be in contact with you to setup your custom product listing.

Regular Sized Planter
Our most popular option. Our most plentiful option and the one we offer custom orders on.
Large Sized Planter
About double the size of the regular planters. Comes in many different styles and colors.
Huge Sized Planter
The largest option that I offer online, triple the size of the regular sized planters.